
12 June 2023

New legislation to combat deforestation in the trade of goods

Starting next year, new legislation will come into effect aimed at combating deforestation in the trade of relevant goods.

The new legislation targets in a first phase products that contain, have been fed with or have been made using relevant commodities, namely cattle, cocoa, coffee, oil palm, rubber, soya and wood.

This legislation is intended to ensure that companies are aware of the origin of their products and their potential impact on deforestation. As a trader, it is essential to stay informed about these developments.

The new legislation imposes strict requirements on the trade of relevant raw materials and products. There are three important conditions that must be met:

  1. firstly, the products must be deforestation-free;
  2. secondly, they must be produced in accordance with the legislation of the country of origin;
  3. and thirdly, they must be accompanied by a due diligence statement.

As a trader, you play a crucial role in ensuring compliance with this legislation. You need to ensure that the imported or exported goods meet the requirements and that the proper documentation, including the due diligence statement, is present.

This new legislation aims to combat deforestation and promote the trade of sustainable products. By ensuring that products are deforestation-free and comply with the applicable legislation, we contribute to the preservation of forests and the protection of biodiversity.

As a trader, it is important to take timely measures and prepare for this new legislation. Make sure to be aware of the requirements and procedures, and collaborate with your commercial partners to ensure that the trade of relevant goods takes place in a responsible and sustainable manner.